Jaren Hinckley

Composer / Clarinetist


I’m Listening to Everything Composed by Camille Saint-Saëns

March 3, 2019


Well, lets start with his name…Camille. (It can be tricky to phonetically spell things out, especially in other languages, so bear with me here…) It’s pronounced “Ca” (as in “cat”), “mee,” “yuh” but the “yuh” is sort of an afterthought: Ca-mee-yuh. In addition, in France, the name Camille could be used for either male or female.

We were fortunate enough to be able to spend some time in Paris recently, so while we were there I was able to snap some selfies with some of the places he lived during his life. This first picture is the building in which he was born, 3 Rue du Jardinet. I was somewhat surprised that there wasn’t a plaque noting that fact.

20181115_161956 Saint-Saens was born here 3 Rue du Jardinet

Next pic is his 1st apartment (4th floor) once he began his career as a musician. Somehow I doubt this is the same building as when he lived at this address…

20181126_102654 Saint-Saens 1st apt 4th floor in his career 168 Rue du Faubourg Saint Honore

And the next TWO photos shows where he lived from 1877 to 1889, 14 Rue Monsieur le Prince–note the plaque.20181115_162600 Saint-Saens lived here from 1877 to 1889 14 Rue Monsieur le Prince

20181115_162539 Saint-Saens lived here from 1877 to 1889 14 Rue Monsieur le Prince (more…)